Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dear Mr Sun,

I am in Kerteh as i speak.

Not exacly for a holiday but to accompany the husband who is on a job onsite for the next few


Yesterday, the weather was rather dark & gloomy.

The incessant rain & grey skies turned my day into a sullen one.

Rainy days are perpetually depressing, aren't they?

However today, i woke up to a bright, sunny day.

The early morning light streaked through the curtains and lightly penetrated my cheeks.

The empty beach the day before began attracting beach-goers and were filled with the kids'

screams of joy & their laughter.

Now, that is a better day.

I will be staying in the hotel room surfing the net & read up the magazines.

Doing that till the husband comes back in the evening.

Then, we will be out for dinner.

I was craving for some durians so perhaps will go on a durian hunt tonight, durian kampung to

be exact.


just as we arrived...

the dark, gloomy weather
And today Mr Sunshine rose,
the sun came out of hiding from behind the clouds...

a brighter day...

Hope the sun will remain high till sunset comes.

I certainly do NOT hope for this,

Ku sangka panas hingga ke petang

Rupanya hujan di tengah hari
